When you're moving into a new place, there is so much to do and it can be very overwhelming. Making sure that everything gets done on time without anything going wrong can be stressful for anyone who's moving. If you’re in search of an apartment in Garner, NC, choose the Summerwind Apartments. We offer luxurious apartments at affordable prices. Check out these moving and unpacking tips that will help everything be less stressful.


Make A Plan

The key to stress-free moving is planning ahead of time — make a list of everything you need to do and prioritize the tasks. Also, be sure to call the moving companies and book the rental vans ahead of time to have a clear timeline of when you have to finish all the work before the movers arrive.


Get Rid Of Unwanted/Useless Stuff

Your moving process will be a whole lot easier if you take only what you need. Donate or throw away the stuff you don’t need or aren’t capable of using anymore instead of lugging them around. Do a closet purge and gather unwanted clothes, shoes, purses, to donate. The fewer items you have, the less time your move will take!


Start With The Kitchen

Now that you have finally moved to your place, always start with unpacking the kitchen first; this will give you a feeling of achievement right off the bat. It also makes unpacking of rooms easier since the kitchen is an important area, and finishing it up first takes most of the burden off your shoulders. Plus, in case you don’t get to everything, at least you can properly cook some food.


Go Slow

Moving is indeed a big deal, and you probably want to get everything done as soon as possible. But the crucial thing to remember here is that make sure you don’t stress yourself. Go slow by putting on some music and dancing to your tunes while getting work done. Take it one room at a time and focus on finishing that entire area first, before moving on to another. Summerwind Apartments offer you a range of luxuries so you can relax immediately after you’ve finished unpacking.

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful — it should be fun and full of excitement. By using these moving and unpacking tips, everything should go a lot more smoothly. If you’re looking for an apartment in Garner, NC, give us a call at the Summerwind Apartments today.